Quyana Cupcake Co.
Website: facebook.com/quyanacupcakeco
Quyana Cupcake Co. is my dream and passion! I am an active duty sailor originally from Alaska but stationed in Augusta, Georgia. I love to bake and love to make people happy with delicious and beautiful cupcakes! “Quyana” means “Thank you” in Yup’ik, the Alaska Native language spoken in the area I’m from. I try to promote the idea of thankfulness through my company—by being thankful for my local community by using local ingredients when I can and being thankful for the environment by using eco-friendly packaging. In most cupcakes (non-vegan) I use milk, cream, and buttermilk from Southern Swiss Dairy via Augusta Locally Grown. I’ll also buy eggs from various farmers either from Augusta Locally Grown or another farmer’s market. I will also experiment with a variety of flavors and in the past have used blueberries from My Country Sweets, maple syrup from Bull Hill Maple, chocolate from Agape Chocolates, and coffee beans from Buona Caffe. If I find a great local source for an ingredient I will use it! I am a Georgia Cottage Food Licensed bakery, so that means I bake from my home kitchen. It also means I have to adhere to ingredient label rules, and will always be transparent about the ingredients I use and where I get them from!