Bottle Tree Farm
This grower has a photo album.
Bottle Tree Farm is an urban farm named for the beautiful bottle tree that graces our garden. The farm is situated on almost a 1/2 acre near Lake Olmstead in Augusta. We raise fruits, herbs and vegetables as well as chickens and ducks for eggs and meat and rabbits for meat. We also produce our own honey. Our goal is to be as self-sufficient and sustainable as possible. We believe you can grow where you are planted, and one doesn’t need acreage to farm. When someone visits the farm, we want them to say, “Wow! Who knew you could grow so much on so little land?” But, to us, gardening is not just about production. We want it to look nice as well. With that in mind, we’ve started designing garden art to compliment anyone’s garden.
Please visit us on Facebook for our daily activities on the farm!