Lazy Willow Farm
Website: www.lazywillowfarm.wordpress.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
This grower has a photo album.
Lazy Willow Farm is a family run operation. It’s eleven and a half acres of pasture (that we are trying to improve), woods (that we’d like to put some pigs in), creek (that one of the barn cats highly enjoys), orchard, (still in infancy), and garden (veggies, veggies, veggies!).
We’re located in Washington, Ga right next door to our town’s golf course — yes, I have actually found golf balls in our pasture.
The farm runs under CNG practices, which is like saying that you’re organic in principles, but haven’t payed for the label. So that means NO TOXIC CHEMICALS. NO TOXIC PESTICIDES. NO TOXIC HERBICIDES. None of those ickies.